Get to know us

             We are hardworking nichedriven specialists and extremely ambitious on how energy management can help our customers to run a more profitable operation and reduce the electricity, water, gas, and CO2 footprint.

It all began…

DSE Monitoring is a company that started in Denmark in 2016 to meet the demand for energy management. We have experience in the operational side of installations and machinery and have developed our software in close cooperation with customers to match their daily work and needs.

DSE Monitoring can guide customers through the installation process and make implementation easy. Since 2016 we have been the natural and obvious energy management partner for our customers.

We are now 13 specialists in Denmark and UK, working only with the reduction of cost, CO2 and consumption through intelligent monitoring.  

The discipline of the future

You and many other companies probably already work with green transition, carbon footprint, ESG strategy or environmental accounting. 

Therefore, many of you will most likely implement Energy Management – to provide the knowledge and focus to drive down consumption, cost, and CO2 – based on true data and full documentation, as you demand in all other important business decisions.

At DSE Monitoring we have hands-on experience with all the disciplines needed to provide exactly that: True and trustworthy energy – and consumption data from your relevant locations, installations, and machinery.

Like no other provider of Energy Management, we are with you all the way through the process. From identifying measuring points, and collection of true data, to the presentation of relevant data in an easy-to-understand way – ready for all relevant stakeholders.


No software nightmare

We come from a long and heavy experience from operation, process, and technical equipment. We know about production. We know about facility management.

Working with DSE Monitoring and our energy management system, reflects just that. We have developed a solution that matches your needs. You do not have to adjust your world to match our solution.

When we implement the solution and software with you, you will see how easy it is to operate – and how easily you can get the data you want at the time you want it.

To get started with profitable energy management, we often walk the factory or building with our customers to find out exactly what is needed to achieve the most cost-effective solution available.

Earning the stripes…

..on the most demanding markets in the world. 

Since 2016 we have worked with Energy Management in Denmark – maybe the most demanding and regulated market in the world, when it comes to environmental and climate related ambitions for both consumers and business.

Our costumers are some of the most well known and respected companies within production, food, building & facility management, and residential homes.
We experience an extremely high customer loyalty, which provide us with a very high level of ambition.

We constantly develop our solution in close co-operation with our customers. This means that you can get access to our development and make your mark on the solution. This open and including development approach ensures an extreme customer-driven solution. The functions and features are developed in close collaboration with people just like you – heavily involved in your operation and reporting of data.


DSE Monitoring Ltd

Unit 5, Castle Business Village,
Station Rd, Hampton, TW12 2BX

Call us: +44 (0) 20 3924 4447

Please feel free to send us an Email